Reduce Holiday Work Stress with VoIP Phone Systems

Wait, you’re saying there’s something that can help make the holiday season LESS stressful? Sign me up!
It’s true.
The features and functionality of a Voice over IP (VoIP) phone system can help you proactively communicate with customers regarding holiday promotions you’re offering or changes in business hours. It can also make working from home over the holidays (if you must!) a little easier.
Modify Recordings and On-Hold Messages
Before Dec. 1 – Thank you for calling Bob’s Garage. Please hold the line and someone will be right with you.
After Dec. 1 – Happy Holidays! Thank you for calling Bob’s Garage. We will be closed on December 25 and January 1. Please hold the line and someone will be right with you. Oh, and remember to ask us about our gift card special!
It’s common to hear similar messages when you call businesses during this time of year. Companies typically modify their auto-attendants, on-hold recordings, and voicemail greetings to wish their customers Happy Holidays or to remind them when the office will be closed. VoIP business phone systems allow you to easily change these.
With an UpLync system, all you have to do is send an email, and they will make the changes for you (and it’s free).
Pre-Schedule Open and Closed Hours
Avoid being struck by panic on Christmas morning when you realize you forgot to program the office phones for closed mode. (We know this happens to all of you. Hehe!) You can pre-program VoIP business phones to specific open and closed hours. This eliminates the need to manually do it every time you arrive in the morning or leave at the end of the day. You can also change the schedule to ensure you are closed on the right days during the holiday season.
If you have UpLync, they can make the schedule changes—and it’s one less item to worry about on your list.
Forward to Your Cellphone
You may not have to report to your office, but you may still need to be “available” during the holidays. Using the follow me/find me settings in VoIP phone systems, you can forward business calls to your personal cellphone. You can also install an app to make outbound calls from your business number.
If you really don’t want to mess with your cellphone, you always have the option to take your VoIP phone home and plug it into your router. It will work exactly like it does when it’s on your office desk.
Only Check One Inbox
Many people can’t help but check their voicemail and email while they’re away from the office. The voicemail-to-email feature of VoIP phones delivers your phone messages to your email inbox. No more calling into the office to retrieve messages; voicemails simply show up as a regular email with a .wav file attached. After listening to the message, you can forward it to another email address, place it in a folder or forever archive it.
Leave it to the Lafayette Business Phone Service Experts
The holidays are busy enough without having to remember to change your office phone hours. When you choose UpLync Communications, a business phone, text and fax service provider in Lafayette, Indiana, you don’t have to become a phone expert. All you need to do when you need phone help is email the UpLync support team. They will manage the system for you.
Add VoIP phones to your Christmas wish list and contact UpLync today.