Avoid Caller Confusion with Holiday Phone Greetings

Buying last-minute Secret Santa gifts, organizing the annual office holiday party, running sales and promotions for customers—the silly season is in full swing. With so many distractions, it’s easy to overlook the basics, like changing your company’s voicemail greeting to improve your customers’ experience.
Hello, You’ve Reached…
Your business will most likely change operating hours, and a voicemail greeting is a perfect place to quickly inform customers and prospects of any potential changes in hours, days, or availability. Plus, you can spread some holiday cheer with a personalized message while also keeping your callers updated on where you’ll be and when.
However, not everyone will observe the same holidays…
If your employees have individual voicemail messages, you’ll want to remind them to update their greetings as well. If you’re using a hosted voice over IP (VoIP) phone system, they can keep their original greeting and set up a temporary message instead, giving them one less thing to remember when they return to the office.
Mind If I Place You On-Hold?
Your business phone system’s on-hold music or message is another opportunity to improve your customer experience during the holiday season.
Instead of generic music, you can use that time to deliver marketing messages, like new product launches or promotions you’re running. It’s also a space to update them on important deadlines, like when to have orders placed to make delivery in time for Christmas.
As you update your voicemail greeting and on-hold music or message, keep in mind that they should reflect your company’s brand and culture. Callers should feel the same when they’re on hold as when they’re talking face-to-face with an employee. Remember to focus on the customer’s perspective when they call and what benefits them.
That’s what’s most important, regardless of the time of year.
Seasons Greetings From Your VoIP Provider in Lafayette, IN
Updating your voicemail greetings and on-hold music can be quick and easy. At least, that’s what the phone experts at UpLync Communications think. Contact UpLync, a VoIP provider in Lafayette, Indiana, and learn how their phone systems can make your life easier, especially through the busy holiday season.