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Ctrl Your VoIP – Ask These 5 Questions

By UpLync | December 21, 2020
Get assistance for your VoIP phones from UpLync

Control. We crave it so much that we gave ourselves a key for it on our keyboards. And, we didn’t stop there. We have the ultimate control. Don’t think so? Just type Ctrl+Alt+Delete. BAM – you just killed a computer!  Sadly, not everything in life works that way (insert buzzkill!).…

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THANK YOU, 2020!

By UpLync | November 23, 2020
We'd like to thank our VoIP customers!

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” ― Lao Tzu How are you? It seems like a loaded question after the last 10 months. A global pandemic,…

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Surprise! No, It’s Not Your Birthday, Just Your Phone Bill

By UpLync | October 23, 2020
don't be surprised by hidden charges on VoIP Phones in Lafayette, IN

Surprise! You owe more money than you agreed to!  Unfortunately, unlike your birthday party, this surprise doesn’t include balloons and cake. (Well, unless someone has an awfully sick sense of humor.) Sure, surprises can be fun, but not when they involve your new Voice over IP (VoIP) business phone system…

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How May I Help You Today? 9 Questions to Evaluate VoIP Business Customer Support

By UpLync | September 18, 2020
customer service rep using VoIP phones from Uplync

Tell me about the best customer service experience you’ve ever had.  Now, describe the worst.  Which one took you longer to remember? Unfortunately, customer service has developed a negative reputation, especially when it comes to calling or emailing business telephone companies. Frustrating automated systems, long wait times, wrong answers—they’re probably…

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Go With the Call Flow – Planning Your Business Phone System

By UpLync | August 27, 2020
plan your voip phone system with uplync communications

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when planning exactly how your hosted VoIP phone system should work. Given the system’s flexibility, you can make it as simple or complex as you like. If you aren’t the person who answers most incoming calls, it’s best to consult with those staff members who…

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Behind the Curtain: Your 5-Step VoIP Phone System Installation

By UpLync | July 31, 2020
new voip phones installed

The day has arrived. You’ve worked through the first three steps of the onboarding process, and it’s “go” time. The installer is on his way, and your new hosted Voice over IP (VoIP) phone system will be running by close of business. (It’s Christmas Day for phone nerds!!) But what…

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